Pranic Healing
'Prana' is the Sanskrit word for life force. It is called ‘chi’ in China and ‘ki’ in Japan. Pranic Healing is a revolutionary and comprehensive system of natural healing techniques that uses prana to treat illness. It is a synthesis of ancient, esoteric healing methods that have been rediscovered, researched and tested over decades with proven success by the founder of Modern Pranic Healing, Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. Pranic Healing corrects imbalances in the body’s energy field and transfers life force to the patient. This life force can also be characterized as universal energy; it is not the healer’s energy. Trained Pranic Healers access and transmit universal energy to the patient using specific frequencies and techniques for specific diseases and conditions Pranic Healing is done without touching. For More Reading on Pranic Healing Click Here If need any Healing or need more information, Click Here email : Phone : +91-991 69...